July 31, 2024
Våg, Gildeskål

Kelpinor exports biostimulants to Europe

This summer, Kelpinor has started exporting seaweed biostimulant to the European market, intended for use in ecological agriculture and horticulture. Over the past six months, we have significantly increased our production capacity to meet the strong demand for liquid biostimulants.

Last week, Kelpinor successfully shipped an additional 2,000 liters of seaweed biostimulant to our European customers. Since March, the company has increased processing capacity by nearly 5 000%, rapidly advancing the production capabilities with plans for further growth in the coming months.

Kelpinor biostimulant products are harvested and processed in Norway above the Arctic circle.

Kelpinor's long-term mission is to phase out the use of wild-harvested seaweeds for agricultural and industrial purposes. To achieve this, the team is developing new biostimulant products made from cultivated seaweeds. Regeneratively farmed kelp offers a sustainable alternative to traditional wild-harvested ingredients. When growing in the ocean, the seaweed acts as a natural bioremediator, absorbing excess nutrients and CO2, producing oxygen, and essentially cleaning the fjords while reducing ocean acidification.

Liquid seaweed biostimulant in the middle of production.

When harvested and processed into biostimulants, seaweed enhances agricultural productivity by improving nutrient absorption and plant growth, reducing the need for artificial fertilisers. These biostimulants help plants better withstand stresses such as drought, heat, and salinity, making crops more resilient and productive in challenging conditions. This increase in resilience and sustainability are key reasons why farmers prefer products like ours.

Kelpinor's new plant trial facility is becoming important in enabling rapid feedback cycle in product development.

As the agricultural sector moves towards more sustainable practices, biostimulants will play an essential role in furthering crop resilience and productivity. The European Union's goal to reduce pesticide use by 20% within 2030 further underscores the importance of agricultural biologicals in meeting environmental and regulatory standards. Kelpinor stands ready to help accelerate this transition, supporting farmers and producers in adopting eco-friendly and effective agricultural biologicals.

Interested in our products? Let us know by contacting us here.

For more information, visit our official website and follow us on LinkedIn.

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